Sunday, December 23, 2007


Well it finally came - the last day of work that is!! Friday, Dec. 21 was it. My official beginning of retirement is Jan 1, but there will be no more work days at Raytheon for the foreseeable future. I was given a wonderful party on Wednesday at the Green Valley Country Club. There were about 70 people there, spanning my entire work career - NUSC, Hughes and Raytheon. There were some very nice words said and some very nice gifts.

It has not sunk in yet and I don't think it will until we get home in late January. Maybe when we're sitting in the Hallen's back yard with the temperature in the 80s it might also sink in.

Stay tuned for our continuing travels. We'll be in Easthampton, MA until Christmas Day.


Matt K. said...

Congratulations Dad, you've deserved the break

nummy1 said...

hooah... you will probably be more busy during retirement :o)

ChristinaS said...

CONGRADUALATIONS! Enjoy your travels and be sure to rest now.. You will be busier then ever now...
Christina St.Jean
check out my site